Say It or Drink It
Sit in a circle and read the questions below out loud. Each person can either choose to answer the question or take the number of sips described next to it.
1. What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told? 2 sips
2. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done? 1 sip
3. What’s the wildest drug you’ve ever tried? 3 sips
4. How many people have you slept with? 2 sips
5. Have you ever faked an orgasm? 3 sips
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? 2 sips
7. Have you ever done something illegal? What was it? 3 sips
8. What is your biggest fear? 1 sip
9. Who in the room would you most like to sleep with? 2 sips
10. Who was your first crush? 1 sip
11. What’s your biggest regret in life? 2 sips
12. What’s the oldest person you’ve slept with? 3 sips
13. What’s the worst thing you’ve done at a party? 1 sip
14. What’s the youngest person you’ve slept with? 2 sips
15. Have you ever cheated on an exam? 1 sip
16. What’s the worst experience you’ve had with a teacher/boss? 2 sips
17. What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received? 1 sip
18. Tell us about the worst/most awkward date you’ve been on. 2 sips
19. If you had to kill someone you know, who would it be? 1 sip
20. Have you ever lied about your age? 2 sips
21. Have you ever been rejected by someone you liked? How did it happen? 2 sips
22. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to a friend? 3 sips
23. What is your biggest insecurity? 1 sip
24. Have you ever spread a rumor about someone? 3 sips
25. Who is the hottest person you know? 3 sips
26. Are you currently in love with someone? 2 sips
27. Who are you in love with? 4 sips
28. How much do you weigh (kg)? 2 sips
29. What’s the craziest place you’ve had sex? 1 sip
30. When did you lose your virginity? 3 sips